We live in Seattle and we just came back from a weekend camping trip in Battle Ground Lake in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. I bought my family (wife and two kids) and my brother in law who is also college buddy of mine bought his wife and three kids. I know camping with a big group could be hard but I was kind of confident because I just bought my latest tent, the Eureka! Copper Canyon 12-Person Tent. I know that this is a big and heavy tent but my buddy and I wanted to make the kids safe and comfortable. Since it was a big tent I was glad my buddy Rick was there to help me. It really takes two adults to make sure that the fly is properly set up but other than that, the rest of the setup was a breeze. When the tent was already standing, Rick and I can’t help but admire the tent. We bought in four inflatable air beds and soon the kids were inside the tent excited to be camping the real way!

I did not know how comfortable the tent was until it started raining. Although the rain dampened the kid’s spirit because they wanted at first to walk along the shoreline, they soon settled in seeing how warm and inviting the tent looked. The capacity of the tent at 180 square feet was just huge. The kids wanted to sleep in their own room so we just let the built-in divider separate the tent into a kid’s section and an adults section.
Man it did rain the whole night and by the time we woke up at six, the rain had already stopped. The tent really lived to its 3 season category. We were all dry inside the tent and we went back to the car to get the rest of the stuff so that we can cook breakfast. Thankfully, it didn’t rain for the rest of the day. The kids had their full day outside while the adults just stayed inside the tent watching the kids have the time of their lives.